Arbing School Kamobo
Non Profit Primary School
Arbing School Kamobo is a non-profit primary school in Kamobo in western Kenya. It has been supported by the NGO Arbing meets Africa since 2015 and has been growing ever since. The vision defined by the community when it was founded in 2014 is: “to provide affordable quality education”.
The idea of the Kenyan founders was to pool the little money available to offer their children an alternative to the heavily overburdened state school system. The preschool and elementary school currently provide a school place for more than 300 children. The basic idea of the community has been continued, which is why parents continue to make a financial contribution in the form of a low school fee. For children from particularly difficult backgrounds, the social unit provides further relief. The Arbing School Kamobo project is well on the way to becoming largely independent of external funding and is still managed by the original founders.
The vision of Arbing School is to provide affordable quality education
Vision Foundation of the ASK in 2014
In addition to everyday school life, there are other initiatives at ASK that increase the quality of education. In addition to limiting class sizes to a maximum of 28 students, we invest annually in textbooks and learning materials to support parents with these otherwise normal costs. There are also the following additional programs:

Many families in Kamobo live below the poverty line, which is why there is not always enough food available. The schoolchildren are therefore provided with balanced meals two to three times a day.

Sportlich besonders talentierte Kinder werden an der Arbing School durch zusätzliche Bewegungseinheiten gefördert. Da der Laufsport in Westkenia einen besonders hohen Stellenwert hat, sind die Eltern und Kinder für das tägliche Training mit professionellen Athlet:innen und die Teilnahme an Wettbewerben besonders dankbar.

The Arbing School Kamobo offers two weeks of free vacation care during the vacation months of April and August. During this time, the children can “just be children” and learn and have fun through games and creative methods, away from the very formal school routine in Kenya. In addition, the pupils are also provided with hot meals during the vacations.

Die Kinder der höheren Jahrgänge werden durch zusätzlichen Förderunterricht optimal auf die Abschlussprüfungen vorbereitet und individuell gefördert.

Activities such as the “Red Cross Club” or “Farming Club” allow the children to acquire practical knowledge. The annual school trip and participation in competitions are the first big trip for many pupils and are therefore among the highlights of the year.